I'm back in Singapore. somehow I feel glad/happy to be back here. I feel that my life is here now. When I'm back in Brunei, I felt lost, as if I had nothing to do. Though I'm very happy just to spend time with my family. That time spent is always well appreciated. Brunei is a boring place, a place where just spending time there will dull the mind and in many cases have blunt the wits' of many of its occupants. They're just obsessed with mindless materialism without a thought for greater things/purpose in life. A good example of that would be the mindless rounds that cars filled with an obscene amount of decibels make their way round and round shopping centres and cafes just blasting their 'noise' with no aim other than to show-off how hard their electrified magnets can vibrate. And when they have enough of making their rounds, they park together and continue their mindless vibrations. I can just go on and on about how sad life is there but I'm just glad my brothers have all left the nest and move on to possibly better things. And I can breathe a sigh of relief when my parents finally make their migration home. Time to start revving up the brain for work tomorrow. Time to continue the Walk. God bless.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Whether we like it or not, change is a constant in our lives. One of the changes I've noticed in myself is that I've quit smoking and reduced my drinking. I didn't really know what brought about these changes at first but when I thought about it (as I usually do, curse or blessing I dunno), I came up with the conclusion that it was brought about by my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
Simple really. I only smoked and drank because I was trying to forgot/drown out my problems, my pains, my burdens, my troubles. Now that I have Him I no longer need to rely on those things, though it's a chain effect in a way, one change affecting another change. All for the better. Now that I've managed to come out of my old shell, I need to learn to take charge of this metamorphosis so that the Journey will be a carefully planned and fruitful one. For a journey without a plan is almost inevitably doom to failure.
Even in our plan to succeed, we must also plan for failure because our plans may not be His plans for us and He will reveal His plan for us in due time, in His time, not ours. Learning to comprehend and accept all these has allowed me to slowly and surely move on in a more positive direction. About initiating change and coming out of my comfort zone to do more positive things with my life and to grow in Him and serve Him with all my heart and mind. And as I reflect on these changes happening in my life, I'm beginning to like what I see. The better half of me being revealed in His glory. Oh well, the story is just in its infancy. Time will only reveal where this Journey will lead me once again. Will the tides of change lead me to foreign lands or foreign worlds? Go figure...
*p.s. Happy Lunar New Year to all and wishing you all a blessed time of celebration with family and friends. God bless*
Thoughts by
12:25 AM