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Monday, July 23, 2007


It's funny how life changes when you're working. When you're studying you're exposed more or less to the people who are around your age and that's all good and fine because their wavelength is more or less similar to yours. However when you work, you're exposed to people of all different ages, races, religions and etc. You get the idea. Hence your perspective totally changes and not only that, you probably change too. In that way, whether you want it or not, your maturity level sorts of increase as well. And that sort of sucks because part of you still wants to be young and fool around and not be prim and proper. On the other hand, being working and seeing more 'things' so to speak, you want to explore more 'adult' stuff and maybe/probably/possibly leave a part of your non-working past behind and move onto your new life with your job and your pay and the endless possibilities you can do with it. For some, the feelings may not be as extreme, as they might not have moved to a new place to work as I have, but some similar feelings of that sort might still be present. It is really a mixed feelings of sort and learning how to deal with it and sort it out will eventually help you manage you life more productively and effectively. Oh well can't wait for my first pay to come, then I can start planning how to use it ;)

1 comment:

Trorc said...

how about sending ur good friend in aust some "air tightly packed" nasi lemak?

Mmm.. thats what u should do with ur first paycheck?