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Sunday, July 22, 2007

platonic relationships...

it's funny how people who are considered adult working professional still have a very prudish view of relationships between two people of the opposite sex. in this day and age you would even more so expect people to think that it's perfectly normal for two people of the opp sex to be able to hang out with each other without any other agenda other than being just friends. however this is not the case. like if a guy & a girl were to go out for lunch or dinner or just to hang out to go to the movies or chill out in a cafe or just to go shopping together, people would automatically assume there's something more going on. oh come on, we live in the 21st century where the notion of gender equality and feminism is so much widely accepted in the developed nations that people can just be friends without anything more than that. like if a two people of the same sex were to go out and do those things mentioned together it would perfectly alright yet if two people of the opposite sex were to do the same, a different thought would automatically pop into people's minds. like talk about double standards. i mean what i say may or may not be true but whatever i say now might not make a difference to the world but this is just me putting my 2 cents worth into the issue and hopefully it might be worth more than that, 2 cents that is...

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